CRV Efficiency

CRV Efficiency

More milk with the same amount of feed

  • Higher production
  • Higher longevity
  • Higher feed efficiency

CRV Efficiency

With the best bulls for CRV Efficiency you will breed a herd that is more productive, has a higher longevity and a higher feed efficiency. The result is a higher efficiency and you also contribute to lower methane emissions.

A healthy herd makes work more pleasurable and profitable. CRV Efficiency helps you breed highly productive cows that convert feed efficiently into milk and achieve high lifetime production.

'Profitability equals long lasting cows with good health and high lifetime production'
Louie Tristao, Tri Star Dairy Farm, Porterville

Index for efficiency

An efficient herd has a higher output in kilograms of milk or beef using a lower input of resources. That is better for profitability and for the environment. CRV's indexes simplify breeding for health and efficiency.

Improvement of efficiency
Daughters of a bull with + 6% CRV Efficiency will produce on average 3% more milk from their feed intake in their lifetimes. This implies additional lifetime production of more than 2000 kilos of milk. Traits included: Milk, Fat, Protein, Longevity, Feed Efficiency, Calving interval, Body Weight.

In addition to production, longevity and feed efficiency, the CRV Efficiency index also includes persistency, late maturity, calving interval and age at calving.

* Studies performed by: Koole, E., Van Hall Larenstein (Leeuwarden) – Arnhem, Netherlands, 2016. Bouwmeester, H., and Hoekstra, E., Van Hall Larenstein (Leeuwarden) – Arnhem, Netherlands, 2019.
* Studies performed by: Koole, E., Van Hall Larenstein (Leeuwarden) – Arnhem, Netherlands, 2016. Bouwmeester, H., and Hoekstra, E., Van Hall Larenstein (Leeuwarden) – Arnhem, Netherlands, 2019.

Results breeding for efficiency
Practical research* shows that breeding for CRV Efficiency works. Cows with +6% for this index have a higher feed efficiency, higher lifetime production and higher longevity.

Important building blocks of efficiency

The CRV indexes give a complete picture of health and efficiency, but it is also possible to target the main components in the breeding strategy. Important building blocks of CRV Efficiency are production, Feed efficiency and longevity.

The table below shows the effect of using a bull with a breeding value of 104 (or one standard deviation) on an average cow.

Breeding rules of thumb for efficiency

Breeding value feed efficiency

Breeding value longevity
>540 days

Breeding value Inet
€ 260

Variation in feed conversion is
1.1 to 1.9 kg milk per kg feed

270 days higher longevity

At least €130 higher revenues per lactation

Feed efficiency results in lower methane emissions

Average number of lactations
per cow is 3.4

Average production
4.31% fat and 3.55% protein

10% feed efficiency can save €0.02 per kg of milk

One extra lactation saves
at least €100 per cow in replacement costs

The CRV indexes give a complete picture of health and efficiency

An achievement we are proud of

Together with farmers all over the world, we work on producing healthy and efficient herds. We have been committed to this ambition for years. That is why we are the global leader in health and efficiency, which is an achievement we are proud of!