Our approach is creating a perfect balance between healthy and efficient cows. That is why we are global leader in health and efficiency.
CRV Holstein EU
Our unique Holstein EU product offers the key to herd profitability. Holstein bulls are selected on three tiers: high components, excellent health and high efficiency.
Breeding Holstein into your herd will lead to improvement of premium milk production, lower veterinary costs and lower feed costs. In addition, Holstein offers great longevity which means lower culling rates and fewer replacements.
To support farmers in selecting the specific bulls they want, we have developed the Better Life Figures. These figures are proprietary to CRV and provide the most accurate way of breeding for health and efficiency.
Selecting the highest ‘CRV health’ bulls will lead to easier to manage (healthier) cows and selecting the highest ‘CRV Efficiency’ bulls will lead to higher lifetime production with lower feed intake. This overall-breeding goal results in overall sustainable and profitable cows.
CRV operates a professional and progressive breeding programme for different breeds in various regions of the world. These diverse breeding programmes are driven by one clear vision: CRV wants to help dairy farmers progress by offering genetics that are leading in health and efficiency.
CRV’s Holstein breeding programme in the Netherlands and Flanders is characterised by transparency, high numbers and strict selection. From 10 million European Holstein cows only 60 InSire and 15 daughter proven bulls are eventually selected.
This allows CRV to maximise the input of genetic progress in the population. And offer farmers a varied range of top-quality bulls that guarantee healthy cows able to realise high lifetime production efficiently and effortlessly.
Click here for information about NVI, the total merit index that is used in the Netherlands and Flanders for ranking bulls.
Are you interested in breeding with Holstein or would you like some more information? Find a representative near you or request more information via our contact form via the button below.