Our approach is creating a perfect balance between healthy and efficient cows. That is why we are global leader in health and efficiency.
CRV Holstein US
CRV has a competitive offer of elite sires that have been selected from the best cow families in the United States. All bulls are selected according the CRV philosophy: long-lasting and healthy cows that produce lots of milk in the most efficient way.
This means that CRV bulls can be selected on NM$ and TPI base, but they also have the unique CRV selection tools CRV Health and CRV Efficiency. Together these tools help to breed an easy to manage and more profitable herd.
For decades, North America has been a major supplier of genetics. CRV has a very successful breeding program in the USA. As a result, the best American bulls with the highest breeding values are available for our clients.
In the USA, CRV is looking for bulls and bull dams that are interesting for North America as well as the international market. To compare these bulls with the bulls of the Delta and Eurodonor breeding program, the American bulls are also tested on NVI base, next to their US TPI base.
On top of the 60 bulls that are tested in Europe, CRV is also selecting about 18 bulls per year in the USA. CRV selects all bulls based on high components, excellent health and good efficiency.
In addition to the official US proofs such as $NM, CRV publishes an additional package of proprietary CRV traits of all Holstein bulls.
This allows our customers to breed for traits such as Milk Urea Nitrogen, casein in milk, milking speed but also fertility corrected for sync protocols.
Better Life Figures
To support farmers in selecting the specific bulls they want, we have developed the Better Life Figures. These figures are proprietary to CRV and provide the most accurate way of breeding for health and efficiency.
Selecting the highest ‘Better Life Health’ bulls will lead to easier to manage (healthier) cows and selecting the highest ‘Better Life Efficiency’ bulls will lead to higher lifetime production with lower feed intake.
Our Better Life figures are published for all our Holstein US bulls.
Are you interested in breeding with Holstein or would you like some more information? Find a representative near you or request more information via our contact form via the button below.